- to change conditions
- изменять условия
English-russian accounting dictionary. 2014.
English-russian accounting dictionary. 2014.
CHANGE - Le système monétaire international — Le système monétaire international est l’organisation des relations de change entre nations. Le marché des changes, où s’établissent les taux de change entre devises et où sont négociées les liquidités internationales, fonctionne selon des… … Encyclopédie Universelle
CHANGE - Les opérations de change — Dès l’instant que les monnaies sont convertibles entre elles, il est possible de passer de l’une à l’autre: le change est justement l’opération qui permet de réaliser la conversion de la monnaie nationale en devises (instruments de paiement… … Encyclopédie Universelle
CHANGE - Le système monétaire européen — Le monde recherche depuis longtemps la compréhension intellectuelle permettant la mise en œuvre d’un véritable système monétaire international ordonné. Un tel système n’existe pas encore à ce jour, certains auteurs célèbres comme Jacques Rueff ou … Encyclopédie Universelle
change — [ ʃɑ̃ʒ ] n. m. • XIIe; de changer ♦ Action de changer une chose contre une autre. ⇒ changement, échange, troc. I ♦ 1 ♦ Loc. Gagner, perdre au change : être avantagé ou désavantagé lors d un échange. 2 ♦ (XIIIe; it. cambio) Action de changer une… … Encyclopédie Universelle
CONDITIONS — (Heb. תְּנָאִים, tena im). Definition Conditions is an ambiguous word inasmuch as it refers not only to the external factors upon which the existence of an agreement is made to depend but also to the actual terms of the contract itself. Thus, one … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Change 123 — Cover of Change 123 volume 1 as published Akita Shoten ちぇんじ123 (Chenji Hi Fu Mi) … Wikipedia
change — change, social change One of the central problems of sociology . In the middle of the nineteenth century, the first attempts at sociological analysis were prompted by the need to explain two great waves of change that were sweeping across Europe … Dictionary of sociology
change — I verb adapt, adjust, alter, be converted, be inconstant, be irresolute, convert, convertere in, deviate, displace, diverge, evolve, exchange, fluctuate, give in exchange, go through phases, immutare, innovate, interchange, make a transition,… … Law dictionary
change — vb Change, alter, vary, modify (and their corresponding nouns change, alteration, variation, modification) are comparable when denoting to make or become different (or when denoting a difference effected). Change and alter are sometimes… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
Change to Win Federation — Founded September 27, 2005 Members 4,774,282 (as of 31 December 2008)[1] Country United States, Canada … Wikipedia
Conditions races — are horse races where the weights carried by the runners are laid down by the conditions attached to the race. Weights are allocated according to; the sex of the runners, with female runners carrying less weight than males; the age of the runners … Wikipedia